Someone was around our yard and came in the house and I chased them out with the dogs Outside door and they jumped to andrea's fence. So I opened a gate that was there and let my older dog through, he was chasing him because I knew in that instance she wouldn't mind. I noticed her dog joined in and she was outside and yelling at the guy. After he managed to get away , she praised the dogs and gave them a treat. I called my dog and let him back out the fence into my house.. Later, I noticed that the tarp or cover that she had put over the fence to block being able to see over.There was on the ground but it didn't look deliberate. I figured it had fallen.During the fancy usage. But not long after that I noticed that her and her husband were outside and there was a lady out there who was putting in those things That you leave between the links on a channeling fence for privacy. And I remember wondering if she was going to do the whole fence and how that would be ideal.. I also noticed that Jason was sleeping outside underneath my window in a sleeping bag and I thought that was odd that he was sleeping outside and especially under my window. My dog's got loose when I opened the son. Head left with them and so I yelled and said bring them back. He did and the dogs came running in and andrea hint her husband were still outside. I came back in and a few minutes later.There was a knock at the door and when I opened it.She was there. She was being nice and said she was going to get a few things like a cup and something or other I said o k and she tried to hug me and I said don't touch me what is it you need to get. So she started talking about some things that weren.I'm and I was talking about getting some items that didn't make sense in Real life but in my dream apparently I know what she was talking about. So I told her o k , let's get this done over with because I'll have to leave and go see my sister. She asked if everything was okay and I said she's sick and dying and then she said something like oh yeah, I saw that. So we went to the kitchen and she pulled out.A large measuring cap sounds like a cereal board fan and then poured some milk in and started eating. Then she said like it's really nice to be here. I didn't respond. She didn't said she was going back and I was confused because she said she needed to come and get some dishes that were hers that I didn't remember having but all she did was have a bowl of cereal and then leave.
This dream could symbolize feelings of protectiveness, confrontation, and unresolved issues with someone in your waking life. The intruder in your yard represents a perceived threat or invasion of your personal space. Chasing them out with your dogs demonstrates your need to defend yourself and establish boundaries. While Andrea's involvement could suggest that this person is connected to her in some way, her support and praise for your action indicate that she may be an ally in dealing with the situation.
The fallen tarp or cover over the fence represents a loss of privacy or a vulnerability that you may have overlooked. The woman putting up privacy screens on the fence suggests a desire for increased security and protection in your personal life.
The presence of Jason sleeping outside under your window could symbolize someone close to you who is being passive or not taking action in a situation where they should be more involved. It could also reflect feelings of invasion or discomfort with someone being too close.
Your dogs getting loose and the need to call them back may symbolize a loss of control or difficulties in managing certain aspects of your life. However, the fact that they come back when called suggests that you can regain control.
The encounter with the woman at the door could represent unresolved issues or unfinished business with her. Your reluctance to be physically touched by her may indicate emotional distance or discomfort in the relationship. The discussion about getting items that didn't make sense in real life but were clear in the dream could signify communication difficulties or misinterpretations between you and this person.
The scene in the kitchen with her eating cereal could suggest a desire for reconciliation or understanding. However, your lack of response indicates some lingering distrust or unresolved feelings.
Overall, this dream suggests a need to address and confront issues, establish boundaries, and seek resolution in a relationship or situation in your waking life. It may also reflect a desire for increased security and protection in your personal life.